
今年の展覧会を振り返る 絵巻物 Looking back on the exhibitions this year - Picture Scroll












This year, a great exhibition on the picture scroll is some held.

Among them, wildlife caricature exhibition, was really great.

Kyoto exhibition also has also visited Tokyo Exhibition, Kyoto exhibition, it could matrix of 5 hours waiting. In Tokyo exhibition, for the people that the matrix waiting under the scorching sun, parasol has been provided.

Wildlife caricature that was in the eyes waiting much is, was a really great thing.

Scene that drew people to chat to gather in the square is never that can not be drawn to Buddhist and historical painting, have drawn the figure of ordinary people at the time, it was engraved in the memory with a strong impression.

Kanagawa Prefecture, is St. Ippen picture of national treasure held by Shomyoji of Fujisawa, including its Shomyoji, Kanagawa Prefectural Museum, was on display at the three locations of Kanazawa Bunko.

Odorinenbutsu scene by that symbolizes the Jishu, Ippen's deathbed scene, and has been drawn around Ippen figure at the time of the beggar and handicapped people.

Just Ippen picture such as representation of the era itself that the Middle Ages, it was really impressive.

And, the other one, was held in Tokugawa Art Museum, Tale of Genji scrolls exhibition.

The beauty of the work as well, in its history, which survived until today, it was allowed to emotional think.

This year, in the eyes of the three national treasure you do, the splendor of the picture scroll, it was one year you feel again.

(Translated by Google Translate)

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